Welcome & thank you for accessing the adbrixx homepage !


Unfortunately, we cannot offer you a fully translated page or a translated version of our technical platform. Therefore, this page provides only a brief summary of our benefits and services. For further information please get in contact with the specialists of our team. Call us on: +49-89-129985-10.


The adbrixx GmbH was founded in Munich in 2006.

adbrixx is a specialized advertising agency. We help our clients to plan, implement and execute target-group-specific ad-campaigns in german newspapers and magazines.

We research the respective titles, we plan an indivudual audience-focused campaign and organize the respective print runs, easily and effectively.

adbrixx is the only agency that collects the variety of print media through an open platform. The respective newspapers and magazines can be sorted by target groups, tagged by special interests and/or listed by regions. Hereby, adbrixx offers an almost unlimited number of "brixx" - virtual advertisement combinations.

  wolke logo

advantages for publishers


advantages for advertiser


 » increasing sales


 » direct way to the target-group


 » no obligations


 » comfortable booking


 » comfort & security


 » full transparency


  efficiency enhancement




  increase in sales


Your campaigns with adbrixx will have a strong advertising effect in your respective target group at relatively low cost.

Our team holds particular knowhow in the fields of:


- economy and promotion of economical development,


- tourism as well as education,


- and target group 50+.


We shall be pleased to make you a no-obligation offer. Please contact:


Kai Schilling

T: +49-89-129985-10

E: kai.schilling@adbrixx.com





You can obtain additional information about the benefits of advertisement in the german market by following this link.